Arbuckle Baptist Association is 30 Southern Baptist Churches of Garvin & Murray Counties. An Association of Churches works stronger together than separate. We exist to work with the churches to enable them to accomplish their mission.
The Arbuckle Baptist Association office is now located in
Pauls Valley at Trinity Baptist Church facilities.
Please feel free to call our Director of Missions Terry Mott
if you would like to set up an appointment
or have a need he can assist with.
September Executive Board Meeting
September 24th at 10:30 am
Pauls Valley, Trinity Baptist
ABA 75th Annual Meeting
October 20th at 6:00 p.m.
Davis, First Baptist
Keynote Speaker: Dr. James Swain
President of the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
Disaster Relief
For state training opportunities, general information, and signing up for updates by text or email, go to our state's website.
Click the page's "Volunteer/Training" tab for training dates.
You can make a donation for state disaster relief while you are there. Just follow the links.
* When registering for training events nearest to you, remember that you no longer are required to train in food trailer. You can pick your area you want to serve in. So you go through Orientation and then the area you desire.